The Whole Person Wheel
by Kathy Chase, M.A., LCPC
We are all seeking health and wholeness in order to live full and productive lives. Lives of meaning and purpose and joy. This wheel is a great tool to help us work toward gaining that overall health and wholeness.
Envision the wheel as a tire that needs the proper inflation in order to roll smoothly and efficiently down the road. Each chamber represents an area of life that needs our attention, investment, and action, for it to be 'aired up and able to roll smoothly'.
The hub of the wheel represents relationship with God and Jesus Christ. It is important to understand that actions and investment in becoming whole, flow from relationship with the Lord. Therefore, utmost attention needs to be given to this area in order to make healthy choices in all the areas of life.
The arrows on the wheel have significance - the red arrows represent the pressure of the world, and culture upon us to make wrong choices; it is important to recognize the ever-present pressure against wholeness. The green arrows represent the presence of the Holy Spirit - who equips us in every way to fight against the world, to stay close to the Lord, and to make healthy life choices. Listening and following the direction of the Holy Spirit enables wholeness to unfold, to develop, and to grow. Cultivate time to listen, to hear, to act.
This following exercise can help show you where you need to invest time and energy in order to gain a more balanced life.
1. Examine each chamber area of your life and ask yourself:
a. Am I investing in each area of my life?
b. Am I making choices that are life-giving?
c. Am I making choices that rob me of balance?
2. Choose one life-giving choice in each area to begin to implement this week.
3. Examine if there is an action in each area that is being done that needs to be stopped because it is not healthy.
4. Make an action plan of how to stop any unhealthy actions.